Utility Savings Program - Electric, gas, water & sewer... |
Utility Savings Program - Electric Power, Natural Gas, Water & Sewer Savings ! |
Save Electric Power Costs |
Overview - The Electric Power, Natural Gas, Water & Sewer Industries
Current state Public Utility Commission (PUC) regulations and utility company rates do not require monitoring billing errors.
Utility service companies make customer billing mistakes, like computation errors and incorrect rates.
Some states in the USA, and provinces in Canada, allow for up to three years "look-back" of customer billings - in some cases penalties and interest apply to the supplier on the value of billing errors.
Most federal/state energy rebate programs are not advertised and require significant red tape to process.
Most utility service companies offer Demand Side Management Programs that significantly reduce customers' usage costs.
Utility companies are not required to offer the most cost effective rates or Demand Side Management Programs.
Deregulation of natural gas and electric power industries allow customers to get savings by using alternative sources.
Solutions - Utilities Review Process
Our utility savings program partner provides experienced and skilled professionals capable of analyzing the current services provided, as well as offer tailored solutions to save you significant utilities' costs.
Our program partner stays current on the latest rules and regulations related to your utility rates for electric power, natural gas, water & sewer rates and costs - such monitoring is difficult for most organizations due to limited resources and complex rate structures.
Our program partner will analyze your monthly bills for incorrect rates and errors, then negotiate with your current suppliers for a refund, and assure you are placed on the correct program for your organization.
Nothing is charged for discovery process. Various methods of sharing any savings discovered; help assure that utility companies get future billings right; and work with customers to assure minimal impact on customer cash flow - such as using forward period workouts depending on the customer's needs, versus writing a large check for services rendered.
Our program partner and the utility customer sign an agreement for the duration of the project, authorization agreements only to allow access to customer information, and a confidentiality agreement to assure any related customer information is never disclosed without legal recourse for the client. Our program partner only exercises the rights you already have on your behalf.
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