Peak Oil - Is the world running out of oil supply?... |
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VIDEO #1 (above): A cartoon depicting a hypothetical downturn in oil production VIDEO #2 (above): Matt Simmons and John Kilduff Discuss the GAO Report; Ramifications of a Plateauing Oil Supply VIDEO #3 (above): Boone Pickens discusses early plans for wind power and other ideas to help secure American Energy
Peak oil views, news and information:
* Peak Oil Part 2 (video) * Peak Oil Part 3 (video) * Transcript - Admiral Rickover's 1957 speech on energy written into Congressional record marking 50th anniversary * Energy Bulletin Aug 12 2008 by staff - re 1957 speech by Hyman Rickover and 1956 speech by M. King Hubbert In 1956, M. King Hubbert Predicted US Production Peak in 1970, and was right on the money: * M. King Hubbard Oct. 5, 1903 - October 11th, 1989 - "Our ignorance is not so vast as our failure to use what we know." * M. King Hubbert Peak Theory (summarized) * M. King Hubbert tribute 1 * M. King Hubbert tribute 2 * M. King Hubbert - Wikipedia In 1957, Admiral Hyman Rickover, spoke on energy supply: * FOR RELEASE AT 7:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1957 -- Remarks Prepared by Rear Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, USN * Video -- part of the Rickover speech with slides * Hyman Rickover - Wikipedia
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