Community Service - Fuel saving tips... |
Every gallon of fuel saved from simple changes in driving and buying habits is FREE FUEL! Follow these easy to understand tips and SAVE MONEY! |
| Selects retail locations using a search by state/province, then zip/postal code. You click on the state/province on a North American map. Please remember ENRAM for bringing this opportunity to save real money, today!
Find Best Local Gas Prices - by Gas Buddy |
Finds my vehicle's EPA estimated highway and city Miles Per Gallon (MPG) using vehicle YEAR and MODEL including such items as LS, XLT, etc. to more accurately match the vehicle to the estimated MPG.
Find MPG By Vehicle |
Find cheap gas - by mapquest |
| Provides general tips on how to save gas mileage and increase MPG on most vehicles rather than a specific model.
Find Gas Saving Tips |
Finds hybrid vehicles by year. Compares cars, SUVs and trucks for MPG, the cost to drive 25 miles, miles on a tank of gas, annual fuel cost, and engine specifications, etc.
Provides other alternative energy vehicle types, tax incentives, etc. ENRAM supports any government efforts to aid development of energy alternatives because today private enterprise has difficulties finding robust economics on alternatives to fossil fuels.
Compare Hybrid Vehicles |
Shows benefits of taking fuel economy improvement seriously. You can save money, resources and help provide security for your country - not bad for just a little effort. ENRAM believes we can all do our part and collectively have a major impact on energy security.
Improve Fuel Economy |
Explains how to calculate MPG for a vehicle and provides a log for tracking gas station fill-ups and miles traveled. This is not difficult, and can be fun - Try it and see! GOVERNMENT REGISTRATION NOT REQUIRED - simply click on Calculate MPG link.
Learn How To Calculate MPG |
Be cool - Click above for FREE OFFER |
Provides explanation of potential differences between the EPA's estimated average MPG for the vehicle model and the actual MPG I may experience with my own vehicle.
Find How MPG May Vary |
Provides printout of Fuel Economy Guides for the last few years. Just click on the model year that matches your vehicle.
Fuel Economy Guides |
Try our NEW 100% Bio-Based Fuel & Oil Spill Absorbents & Pads |
| SAVE UTILITY COSTS in the future and past - yes, you read that correctly. Learn more about the Utility Savings Program to save your electric power, natural gas, water, sewer, and other utility costs - click here to find out how it works.